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Then Gideon said to God, “Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece, but this time make the fleece dry and let the ground be covered with dew.” That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew. Judges 6:39, 40

Several years ago, I had a special experience of God’s presence through a remarkable circumstance. The insurance agent for Wears Valley Ranch came out to calculate our workers’ compensation bill. Calculating this bill is a complicated procedure. It is based on different rates for different types of workers multiplied by the number of hours they work and the amount of money they earn. We know our payroll. The insurance company knows the rates. But, until the numbers are calculated together, only God knows what the outcome will be. Our premium came out to two thousand seven hundred twenty-two dollars and sixteen cents.
Twenty-seven hundred dollars may not seem like much for a children’s home to have in the bank, but we had just opened our first girls’ home, and we didn’t have twenty-seven hundred dollars. This was one of many times when money has been really tight.
 “We have two thousand dollars in our account. So, I’ll pay half of the premium now, and as soon as we pay the other half, you can send the money in. Please, don’t send any in until we’ve paid you the whole amount.”
Roger responded, “I can see that you’re really concerned about this. Don’t let it upset you.”
“It does concern me. God has always provided everything we need when we need it. If we don’t have this money, I’m wondering if we’re missing what God is telling us to do here.”
We prayed, and then Roger asked if he could take his wife and assistant on a tour of the Ranch before they returned to Knoxville.
As they headed out the door, the bookkeeper turned to me and said, “I’m going to go get today’s mail.”
I said, “Great, and if there’s a big check in there, the first thing we do is pay Roger for the insurance.”
Joanie returned with the mail and began opening it. There was a check from a lady in Atlanta, a lady I didn’t know. She had sent a check that arrived that day for two thousand seven hundred dollars.
I ran out the door and found the agent just as he was leaving campus. I handed him the check for the total amount of the premium, told him of the financial provision, which had arrived in the mail moments before, and smiling I said, “Your calculation must have been off by twenty-two dollars and sixteen cents.”
There is no place in the Bible where it says, “Write a check for two thousand seven hundred dollars on this date and send it to Wears Valley Ranch.” Something like this only happens as God’s people learn to be led by God’s Spirit, sensing what He is telling them to do.
I called the lady who had sent the check to ask why she had sent that odd amount. She spoke of a deep impression from God as she prayed. She sensed the Lord directing her to mail twenty-seven hundred dollars on that particular day to Wears Valley Ranch.
I had never met this lady. She had simply heard about the Ranch somewhere. I hadn’t anticipated the insurance agent’s visit on that particular day and hadn’t even considered the amount we would need for our workman’s compensation insurance. But, God wanted to remind me that He is our provider as He spoke to one of His children as she prayed in Atlanta, prompting her to send the odd amount of twenty-seven hundred dollars on just the right day timed to arrive in the mail to meet the need while the insurance agent was still on campus.
There have also been times when we have seen God delay His provision until He gained our full attention, offered needed correction, and then met the need. What we really need is to stay focused on God.
When it was time to build the first school building at the Ranch, we earnestly prayed for the funds to build it. But, no monies came for that project. As I was praying one morning, the Lord impressed on my heart that the reason He hadn’t sent the money was because our site plan called for the building to be in the wrong place. The building was good, but the location was wrong. I told Susan what I believed God was saying and she asked, “Then, where should the building be?”
I said I didn’t know but I was going to walk and pray and ask God to show me. After much hiking, I came to a particular spot where I was planning another building. I received a strong impression that we were to put the school building there. The Lord clearly confirmed this later that day through the wisdom and advice of a local land developer. Immediately after, the funds began arriving to build the school building.
Earlier, money had been coming in to fund the day-to-day needs of the Ranch, but nothing had come in designated for the school building. Then, suddenly we got a large number of checks designated for the school building, but funds for operating became extremely low.
I earnestly sought the Lord in prayer, “Father, please put it on the hearts of some of your people to send us money for operating expenses.”
Two hours later, the telephone rang. A lady down in Florida said, “Joe and I were just praying this morning and we felt the Lord was telling us He wanted us to send you some money, but I wanted to be sure we were hearing Him correctly. Is this money supposed to be for operating?”
“Thank you! Yes.”
I had not mentioned the need to this couple, but they daily intercede and seek God’s direction for their personal ministry. They were listening to the same God I was talking to. He showed me the need and He told them how they could meet the need.
I love being able to talk to God and watch Him act. But, if this were the entire scope of our relationship, it would be a very one-sided relationship. I also like to be on the other end of the line so that God can ask me to be the one meeting needs, answering someone else’s prayer.
“Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” We need to know God as our “Abba Daddy,” Father in heaven. But, if we want to be sons of God, we must learn to listen, not just talk. We have to spend time in His word, meditating on His word, and then we must be open to the leading of His Holy Spirit; not only following explicit commands in the Bible, but also obediently seeking His commands for us personally. Do you really want to hear from God? Are you ready to obey?

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